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ACC 2010 Atlanta conference coverage

News clinical trials presented at ACC 2010 Atlanta

ACCORD blood pressure, 2008 - intensive therapy, targeting a systolic pressure of less than 120 mm Hg vs standard therapy, targeting a systolic pressure of less than 140 mm Hg

  hypertension - strategy - all type of patients

  hypertension - strategy - diabetic patients

ACCORD lipid, 2010 - fenofibrate on top simvastatin vs placebo (on top simvastatine)

  cardiovascular prevention - cholesterol lowering intervention - diabetic patients

  diabetes - cholesterol lowering intervention - diabetic patients with or withour hypercholesterolemia

CILON-T, 2010 - triple antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and cilostazol for 6 month vs dual antiplatelet therapy

  stent - antithrombotics - all type of patients

  percutaneous coronary intervention - antithrombotics - PCI with stent placement

DES-LATE, 2010 - dual antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel plus aspirin) vs aspirin alone

  stent - antithrombotics - all type of patients

  percutaneous coronary intervention - antithrombotics - PCI with stent placement

NAVIGATOR nateglinide, 2010 - nateglinide 60mg 3 times daily vs placebo

  diabetes - prevention - all type of patients

  impaired fasting glucose - prevention - all type of patients

  diabetes - prevention - people with impaired glucose tolerance

NAVIGATOR valsartan, 2010 - valsartan up to 160 mg daily vs placebo

  diabetes - prevention - all type of patients

  impaired fasting glucose - prevention - all type of patients

  diabetes - prevention - people with impaired glucose tolerance

RACE II, 2010 - lenient rate control (target resting HR <110 bpm) vs strict rate control(target resting HR <80 bpm, and <110 bpm with moderate exercise)

  atrial fibrillation - antiarrythmic drugs - rate control

  atrial fibrillation - rate control - all type of patients

VA CABG, 2010 - radial artery graft vs saphenous vein graft

  CABG surgery - radial graft - all type of patients

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  • AHA 2009 Orlando
  • ACC.09/i2 Orlando 2009
  • European Society of Cardiology 2009 Congress
  • ACC 2010 Atlanta


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